How You Can Enjoy Rock Hall, Maryland, Crabs

Have you ever had the pleasure of sitting down at a table and eating a delicious pile of steamed crabs? A trip to the Maryland Eastern Shore isn’t complete without this experience! If you’ve never eaten this seafood delicacy before, you might be wondering where to start. We’re here to help! Keep reading to learn […]
You Need To Eat at These Rock Hall, MD, Restaurants Now

People travel from near and far to experience the magic of the Eastern Shore, and our town of Rock Hall, Maryland, is no different. This area has it all. From gorgeous Chesapeake Bay views to fascinating maritime history, you’ll have an unbelievable time during your visit here. Plus, as a coastal town, we’re known for our outstanding seafood and delectable cuisine. Try some for yourself and visit […]
When Is the Best Time to Enjoy Rock Hall, Maryland, Crabs?

The peak season for iconic, blue, Rock Hall, Maryland, crabs is April through November. However, the biggest crabs are harvested from September to mid-November. So when you’re craving some fresh, delicious seafood, this is the time to visit our beautiful town. Join us at the Inn at Huntingfield Creek to discover how integral this Chesapeake […]